GOD — is in Vibes

Nija Mankodi
4 min readApr 23, 2021



No matter how hard we try, what is meant to be eternal and supreme, will never end up being temporary and mild. We almost eradicated importance of prayers from our lives as we assumed it to be orthodox. Prayer is a traditional (not orthodox) way to connect to God and it must remain a conventional link to that magic till “any being” takes his last breath in this universe.

There were a small town where only hundreds of people lived. The population of the town was so discrete that almost everyone knew everybody. I personally feel this as a blessing, at times and a curse at the other. Our intimate life should consist of OURS and not ALL. Life should never be defined by how many people you know/know you; it is defined by how many people you want to get understood by.

There was a Mosque in outskirts of this town. Many people used to regularly visit this Mosque and find solitude by just being there. Amongst all worshippers, there was an old Fakir who used to visit this Mosque since almost 25 years. Age is one of the barometers of respect for us, but this man was deeply saluted by people for his endless belief and hope in Allah. Specially these days, we believe in existence of God, but we are very low on trust. We definitely have our reasons for not believing or hoping that he will do good at the end, but ultimately that is the only remedy. We will have to suffer but in hope, to reach to the shore.

The old Fakir was so engrossed in God’s belief that for 25 years, he had never missed a day to mark his presence in this Mosque. He owned a special place in this mosque where he used to pray for 15 mins daily. That place, that surface developed marks of his knees and hands, depicting his position while worshiping.

One day, when this man and other worshippers were in complete devotion, a creepy light sparkled, followed by a bold voice. The voice destined itself to the Fakir saying, “O Fakir, you have been worshipping Allah for 25 years now, but Allah has disapproved all your prayers”.

Everyone in the Mosque could not believe what they just heard. How can God disapprove prayers of this man who is so dedicated to him since these many years? How unfortunate this Fakir turned out to be! To everyone’s surprise, the Fakir was dancing like he never did before. Happiness and gratitude erupted from his eyes, he was too happy to understand that Allah denied his wishes. When everyone asked him about his shocking behavior, he answered, “I know Allah has denied everything that I asked for, but he confessed that he heard my prayers for 25 years. I consider myself most fortunate as nobody knows if Allah is listening to them or not, but now I know that I am being heard by him. That was my greatest ask to Allah, which he acknowledged. I could not have asked for more”. These were the very words which Allah wanted to listen from Fakir. He smiled and granted all his wishes with blessings.

Just like Old Fakir, current time is a testimony of our discipline and our hope to stick to life. Life is hard for all; we cannot escape pain. God will make sure to let us taste all situations that he wants us to have in our plate. We are no special to get Business Class journey in his world.

The optimized way to pass through this timeframe is to accept the pain surrounding us. We may not be directly feeling this pain (of losing someone) but we must plant sympathy and empathy both in ourselves, to fight with the circumstances. With the feeling of losing someone, there comes a feeling of depression, feeling of lost, feeling of blame, feeling of “Why me”, feeling of pain. There is NO way to even dilute these feelings.

With this writing, I would urge everyone reading this positive story of old Fakir to contribute everything, in every way, we can for others who have tasted above feelings. Deploy warmth, kindness, humbleness into people who are in solid need of these. They may be strangers now, but we never know when we will get into their club, unfortunately. Entertain this thought 24x7 in our mind, not to create negativity, but to realize how fortunate we are, still. They do not need our presence. Do not converse about despair, just share peace, magic, healing vibes to them. Leave them with their peace, let them understand your silence as a language of hope and togetherness. Amplify their efforts, magnify their hope for GOOD tomorrow. Let us spare atleast one minute each day, praying for all those who are struggling to get their life back.

Give your best to make them realize, THIS TOO SHALL PASS.



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