Nija Mankodi
4 min readApr 8, 2021



It was finally a lazy Sunday Morning for Revaan ! It takes 6 hectic days of hard work and patience, to love one cup of tea or coffee on Sunday Morning 😊 Tea or coffee, nevertheless tastes the same all day but it is we, who dedicate ourselves completely to it only on Sunday morning which adds to its routine flavor.

Revaan took his favorite newspaper in one hand and a cup of tea in the other, went straight to balcony and sat on his Swing. People who have established a connection with Swing (Jhula) in their home, will understand that no matter how rich, decorative, or luxurious items furnishes our home, the SWAG of a Jhula is unmatched ! It has nothing special, still remains special.

Suddenly, he got a call from an unknown number. There was a nurse who started conversation from the other end, “Please come to Heart Hospital, Mr. Manoj Sharma is ill”. Revaan was blank for next 10 seconds. He heard this name after almost 20 years. Mr. Manoj Sharma was his schoolteacher and his favorite amongst all. He, without a second thought, took some cash, cheque book and rushed to the Hospital. He got needed information from the receptionist and went to Mr. Sharma’s room.

The nurse, who called him informed that Mr. Sharma is undergoing few tests which will take one hour. She apologized to him as she mistakenly dialed his number instead of Mr. Sharma’s son Rajiv. On a Contrary, Revaan thanked her with all his heart for doing this mistake 😊

Revaan waited in front of Mr. Sharma’s room. He could see his face from a small glass partition next to the door. Revaan was immensely happy to have had this chance of meeting his favorite again but simultaneously shattered as he did not want him to meet like this and at this place. His vision took him almost 20 years back when he was in school and spending time with Mr. Sharma. He recapped the moments, the stories, the mischiefs he did with him. Even with his very limited income, Mr. Sharma used to bring food and toys for his students. Revaan lived in nostalgia for one hour.

Then, comes a ward boy asking Revaan to step inside the room and visit the patient. Revaan paced himself like a horse and went in front of Mr. Sharma and immediately took hold of his right hand. Mr. Sharma was glorified seeing Revaan after 20 years. His eyes smiled with utmost love and he said, “Revaan, how are you my son? I am fine, do not worry. Nurse informed me that she mistakenly pulled-in you instead of Rajiv. I am sorry for this hasten to you”. Revaan was crying and answered, “Sir, please do not say like this. I already thanked that nurse for doing this mistake. I know I have not made myself available to you all these years but believe me, you are still the most respectable and loved human being in my life.” Tears are infectious and so are pure emotions, Mr. Sharma could not hold himself and hugged Revaan.

Revaan sat near him and explained, “Sir, I remember one incident of ours. I stole one classmate’s expensive watch. I was not ready to give it back and even not to confess my deed. After lots of failed efforts of other teachers, the issue was laid to your table. You came to the class, asked us to stand with our eyes closed and checked our pockets. You took that watch out of my pocket and silently gave to the boy who was owing it. The issue was dismissed after that and no one, even today could claim that I took it. From that very moment, you shaped me as a person. You have been in my prayers since then. Do you remember this incident?”. Mr. Sharma gently smiled and said, “I do but I did not know that it was you till today. When I asked you all to close your eyes, I did mine as well’. Revaan was speechless to feel the height of his teacher. He realized that he was too small to touch or even see the purity, the soul with which his teacher lives. He understood that many people can develop us but only few have the capability to shape us. It takes guts to be a simple human being.

Few minutes later, Rajiv came to the hospital and took handover of his father. Revaan did a friendly chat with Rajiv, took permission of his teacher, and left. He prepared one cover and gave it to receptionist. After two days when Mr. Sharma was discharged from the hospital, he and Rajiv went to the Bill desk and asked to settle their account. He was worried about how he is going to pay the amount as it was difficult for his family to even make two ends meet. Medication cost was going to surpass their affordability. The receptionist handed over that cover and said, “This one is for you” . Mr. Sharma and Rajiv were surprised seeing this white cover. When Mr. Sharma opened it, there was one blank cheque with a signature and a small note which read,
“With a lifelong promise to be in contact, under your Blessing, Love and Prayers,
Your Admirer,

Relations can stay beautiful; people can stay loyal. It is just one soul hugging another 😊



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